Tom Gilmer: April 2013 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of Zion:

Thank you for making so much possible by your prayers and offerings.

For some time we have been praying for the families of Jews that accepted Jesus as their Messiah many years ago but are now with the Lord.  Praise the Lord, two teenage grandsons of one of those Jews confessed Christ recently.  They are children of a very troubled marriage. Thank God their father remembered the God of his father and called, asking for our help.

One Friday night Ana, a young Jewish woman who works at a kiosk of Dead Seas Cosmetics at the shopping center near our church, walked by as we were enjoying “Kiddush”, a time of fellowship at the end of our Friends of Zion meeting.  A person who had been witnessing to her saw her and invited her to come in.  She was elated at the Jewish atmosphere and the music someone was playing at the piano.  She mentioned that she wanted to study piano.  Pastor Alexandre’s wife, Jane, agreed to pay for piano lessons in exchange for Hebrew classes!  Ana cannot attend regular services because of her work schedule, but she is receiving much witnessing.  She was able to get off work early to go with us to the annual Passover presentation and dinner conducted by missionary Danny Woods.  Ana was deeply touched.  She commented to Linda:  “Two years ago everything was black in my life.  I didn’t want to live anymore.  Now I am beginning to see a little light.”  When asked if she has a Bible, she replied, “I have a Bible but I don’t like to read it. It makes me feel like such a bad person!”  The Holy Spirit is convicting her.  Please pray for her salvation.

Flash floods are common to São Paulo—over 100 points of the city can flood without warning on a rainy day.  It happened at Templo Batista de Indianópolis again last month, the worst ever.  Jorge, a ministerial student and church secretary, rescued three people who would have died.  When the rescue team arrived on the scene, they said they would not have risked their lives as he did!  Two cars parked on the church and mission properties were a total loss. They were insured, praise the Lord.   Even though there was about $100,000 (US) of damage, the church has access to a loan to repair the damages and has begun a campaign to raise funds to repay the loan.

There may be at least a three-month delay in the Guacuri church project.  The Brazilian pastor of the deaf church, which is leading the project, has some health and work problems and may not be able to head this church planting.  Even so, he has made a great contribution toward the new church.  May God bless—and may you enjoy His blessings, as well!

Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer


1. Professions of faith:  16 Gentiles, 2 Jews.
2. Opportunities for witness.
3. Linda recuperated from pneumonia.
4. Professor David Correa is better.


1. Salvation of Jews and Gentiles.
2. Bible study helps preparation.
3. Establishing churches.
4. Setback in time frame for Guacuri church

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