Rom Ribeiro: August 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor and Brethren:
“Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.” (Eccl. 1:1)
Since arriving in the States last May 20, the Lord has enabled us to raise $8,000 for the lot we need to acquire for our fifth church, which we plan to start in the Southeast of Brazil. We still have a long way to go since a piece of land (smaller than an acre) in that area costs approximately $400,000. One of our sending churches has pledged to raise a special love offering for this new project. Praise the Lord! We needed that encouragement. God knows we strive to establish churches that become self-supporting, missionary-minded and that make the difference for the Kingdom of God in Brazil.

Picture of the land we would like to buy for the fifth church. If this is God’s will, we know it can happen!
Our people in Brazil are also doing their part in helping us with this project. When we were building the fourth church, the young people from the first church we established held a large yard sale raising close to $800. They plan to do this again in the near future for the fifth church. Children and adults are participating as well. The Southeast of Brazil is one of the most expensive regions of the country, but with help coming from our sending churches and from our Brazilian people, the Lord will make this next project a reality.
Please pray for this year of furlough. If you want us to visit your church, contact us by phone at (864) 901-1160 or through e-mail at We realize that our ministry is possible only because God is using special people like you to enable us to stay on the mission field and be useful for Him.
In His Perfect Love,
Rom, Rachel, Rochelle & Roxanne Ribeiro