Bethesda Children’s Homes: April 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
We had tickets to fly to Mexico today but the Lord changed our plans. I had a third heart attack on March 31 and travel is not allowed for a while at least. I am doing well after they placed another stent. I am in contact daily with our Mexican staff.

Chapel in progress .
Each year our Christian School is evaluated by both the Mexican school system as well as A.C.E. We received outstanding reviews from both. Our children are excelling in every area.

The children are beautiful in His eyes and ours.
We are continuing with the rebuilding in Tepeyac and covet your prayers for this project. The churches in Mexico are under attack from the evil one, but continue to grow in every way. Kidnappings, killings and robbery are daily events that have reached deeply into the churches. Christians grow spiritually in persecution.

Teaching the Word of God to tomorrow’s leaders.
In addition to the woodworking shop we have now opened a lapidary shop through the generosity of longtime friend M.R. Grimmett. We are still trying to catch up after the heavy costs of 2013 with the new school and tragedy in the mountains. March was a fruitful month with many saved through the outreach of the children. These kids are fervent and faithful as witnesses.

Tens of thousands have been reached but a multitude waits in darkness
Each day the children pray for you. They understand it is through your generosity that they have an opportunity to have their lives transformed. These are young champions in every way.
Faithful friends like you have made this ministry possible since 1969; your reward will be eternal. Thank you for helping make the future of this ministry as bright as the promises of God!
In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home
PS Pray that the leaders in Tlapa will have special anointing from the Holy Spirit as they train a new generation of church planters.