Mike Patterson: April 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
On March 22, Allison and Jeremy Anderson were wed. It was a joyous occasion for us all. I was able to preach the wedding though plagued with atrial-fib for the day. The bouts with my heart worsened until they climaxed with a heart attack on March 31.

Allison and Jeremy…leaving the church.
I was able to receive medical attention very quickly and the damage was minimal. They placed a stent within a stent that had completely closed. My ejection fraction has dropped from 50 to 40% so we have had to postpone our return to Mexico this month. I had the joy of sharing the gospel with all of my caregivers. I am now at home and will be preaching on April 13 here in Texas.
God has given us the most outstanding staff in the history of the ministry both in Tlapa, our field offices, and in our Arlington, Texas home office. This gives me the opportunity to preach without the administrative load. The new Christian school in Tlapa is winning academic acclaim even with the government authorities.

Mike with Cuban pastors.
The reconstruction project continues in Tepeyac. As I write, Marco is traveling there to get an update and a list of current needs. Pray that soon they can be in the new building.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. Several have asked about our personal needs. I have placed these needs at the foot of the cross and will trust God for the provision. We love you deeply and dearly and are keenly aware that we could have never had a ministry without you. (I came across some photos of the past while working on my book today.)

Preaching in Gypsy church…Germany.