Mike and Becky Patterson: June 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:

Preaching the Word
I just returned from Mexico to continue Cardiac Rehab. We awoke each morning with birds singing. Becky is staying two weeks to ship some of the memories of 40 years to our little apartment in Tlapa. I miss my sweetheart of 45 years. May we never again have to do this!
It was my joy to preach three times while in Cuernavaca. I was scheduled for a fourth but atrial fibrillation closed that door. The mile high altitude was difficult. We did have the joy of seeing souls saved and sweet fellowship with our people.
We have Christian Schools both in Tlapa and Cuernavaca and God has blessed them mightily. When cardiac rehab is complete, Becky and I plan to spend most of our time in Mexico with the children in the homes. We have a next generation to train.

The first king God allowed me to lead to Christ
I have sent the last of the funds given for the rebuilding of the church in Tepeyac. The construction is underway as you read this letter. Pray that we will be able to stretch the funds to finish the building.
Billy and Becky are leading a group from Worth Baptist Church to Tlapa tomorrow. They will be preaching, teaching, giving out thousands of tracts and teaching the kids to make puppets to use in presenting the Gospel. I am praying for safety and blessing for them.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. I am doing well and responding well to rehab and medication changes. We still owe about $5000 in hospital and doctor bills. Our insurance covered much more. Pray with us for this need.

Preaching in Cuernavaca
My precious mother, age 90, is very ill. A few minutes ago she told me she felt Heaven was imminent. Pray that God will comfort her in what may be her last days…and us as well.