Harold Gilmer: April 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Brethren,
Truly we are but co-laborers with the Lord—He is the Lord of the harvest. It is a privilege to serve the King of kings and the Lord of lords!
Team Church Planting

Pr. Sean Lunday and Miss Alzira.
We celebrated New Life Baptist´s tenth anniversary of the organization of the Church with a wonderful three-day conference with Pr. John Wilkerson, with several people trusting the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Pr. Sean Lunday often quotes that “God does nothing but in answer to prayer,” and that was certainly the case with New Life Baptist. Miss Alzira prayed for fourteen years for a Church to be started on her street, and the Lord heard her prayer.
Speaking of prayer, please continue to pray for Missionary Bryan Johnson and his family as they prepare to lead in the start of the Church in Vila Guacuri. Mrs. Johnson (Rebekah) does not have good health, but she has a wonderful servant´s heart. Please also remember Carlos in your prayers—his ordination is set for the end of this month. He is a faithful servant, and we pray for the Lord´s richest blessing upon his upcoming pastoral ministry.
Bible Ministry
Thank you for praying for wisdom in working out the details on the production and shipping of our Bibles from Korea. We now have a four-year production plan set (2015 through 2018), but realize that our sowing of the Precious Seed will be hampered due to our warehousing space. We need a solution for our lack of space.
The Lord said in Haggai 2:19a: “Is the seed yet in the barn? . . . “. The truth is that our “barn” is small, and we need more Seed, for the field of Brazil is very large. Praise the Lord we own our current facilities, but ideally we need four times the space that we currently have. The funds that we have on hand are designated for printing Scriptures, therefore we need your prayers for the Lord´s direction and provision. Thank you for praying.
Your servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle