Bethesda Children’s Homes: July 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends:

The church in Cuernavaca continues to grow.
Your prayers are making the difference. Violence has been the norm for the last year in Tlapa, but God’s protecting hand has been over the children, staff, and facilities of the Homes. God is using you to make the future bright for the children. Pray for them as they go back to their villages for a few days before the new school year begins in August.
Pastor Leopoldo is now in Heaven.
After a time of suffering, Leopoldo is now with his Lord and his mentor, Dr. Lyle McCoy. Polo started and pastored ten local churches in a tireless labor of love. He had been training his son to be his successor in the ministry. He was a fervent soul-winner and a faithful man. He will be sorely missed.

New Tepeyac church building almost finished!
The new building in Tepeyac is almost finished.
As you see in the photos, the building is now under roof and they are pouring the floors as I write. Doors and windows have been ordered and should be delivered in a few days. We will dedicate the building in early September, after I complete cardiac rehab. The only thing we lack is funds for 40 benches and simple office furniture for the pastor. This represents a total need of about $4,100.

About 100 village churches sharing the Good News in the mountains of Guerrero…these are the lasting legacy of Dr. Lyle McCoy.
Staff retreat and reunion
Our Staff Retreat will be held in a small resort close to Tlapa. We have found this to be an untold blessing to our faithful workers. Bill will take my place, this year, as the devotional speaker. The budget is $2,800. The Reunion will be held for the alumni of the Homes during the September 15, Independence Day celebration. We expect a much larger group this year, with perhaps as many as 1,200 of the graduates. We do need sponsors to help feed the group. The budget is $6,000. Thank you for praying with us for these funds.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: Becky and I plan our return to Tlapa after I complete cardiac rehab on August 27. We can hardly wait.