Bethesda Children’s Homes: August 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
Today I completed Cardiac Rehab and we will be traveling to Mexico in a few days. I cannot tell you how excited I am as I write these words. Pray that I will tolerate the altitudes well. It is a risk with the weakness of my heart, but God is in control.

All of the staff and their children received gifts as well as well-deserved bonuses.
School Graduation in Tlapa –The State Director attended.
We were all shocked when the education director for the state of Guerrero asked to attend graduation. Our school is considered the best in the state and the government director brought not only accolades for the level of education, but gifts for every student.

New Tepeyac church building is now finished
The new building in Tepeyac to be dedicated September 17.
The building is complete; Plumbing, electrical, doors and windows and a baptistery full of water await the first baptisms! I plan to preach the dedication.

Staff retreat August 2015
Staff Retreat.
Our staff retreat was held in a lovely resort near Tlapa. Bill took his family and was the devotional speaker. The staffs of both the homes and the Mexican offices were blessed by his messages.
Reunion of the Bethesda Homes September 18-19 2015.
We expect a perhaps as many as 1,200 graduates to attend. We do need sponsors for this event. The budget is $6-7,000. Thank you for praying with us for these funds. Brothers Austin and Ethan James are joining us as videographer and photographer for the events. Pray with us that God will be honored through it all.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home
PS: As always, summer has been a challenge with extra needs and we are ending the summer with a $10,000 deficit. Thank you in advance for your prayers.