Tom and Linda Gilmer

September 2015 Prayer Letter

Tom Gilmer: September 2015 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of Zion:

Linda and I thank you once again for all you do to make our work possible. We thank God for you.

The new picture on this prayer letter was taken at the celebration of the 48th anniversary of Templo Batista de Indianópolis, the church we started in our home in Brazil just eleven months after our arrival on August 30, 1966.

Enclosed you will find an updated copy of our prayer card and Harold Ralph`s, as well. These can be downloaded and printed on your printer, or at Office Depot or any similar Quick Print establishment. Or you may request the number you wish to receive from our mission office in Arlington, TX by sending an email or letter, saying how many you would like to receive and to which address they should be sent.

Link to download Prayer Cards in Dropbox:

Link to download Tom and Linda’s Prayer Card from Mt Abarim:

Link to download Harold and Lilian’s Prayer Card from Mt Abarim:

Even though there were no public decisions for salvation in any services in which we participated or in personal witness during the month of August, much seed was sown and more tracts than usual were distributed. Please intensify your prayers for our soul winning efforts.

May the Lord bless your efforts to win souls, as well.

Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer


  1. Professions of faith: 0.
  2. More opportunities for personal witness and tract distribution than usual.
  3. Progress on APPs and MP3 with Bible.
  4. Date for Israel Appreciation Night in October confirmed.


  1. Intensify prayer for salvation of Jews and Gentiles.
  2. Bible study helps.
  3. New churches, growth of existing ones.
  4. APPs, CD, MP3, and AUDIO BIBLE: problems, opportunities, slow progress.
  5. Preparations for Israel Appreciation Night in October.

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