Josefina McCoy: 2016 Annual Report

Church in Zilacayotitlan
God has called our family to serve His servants in the high mountains of Guerrero, Mexico. My husband, Dr. Lyle McCoy, preached and walked these mountains. Our desire is to raise high the name of Jesus among the Mixtec, Tlapanec, and Nahuatl indigenous people. The mountains are comprised of nineteen municipalities, each of which has many towns. Our municipality has one hundred twenty pueblos!
In July, we held a Regional Conference for the churches of the mountains of Guerrero. Over eight hundred were in attendance each night. God was greatly glorified!
At this moment, there are ten missionary pastors reaching the lost, but there are so many more pueblos that need the Lord Jesus. Recently, four graduates have returned to serve in the mountain area. Please pray for Lazaro Ambrosio, Alejandro Cervantes, Josue Ruiz, and Martin from Calpanapa.

Missionary/Pastor Juan Guzman and family
The new places we are now reaching are Agua Fria, Acatepec, and Naucalpan de Juarez in the region of Costa Chica. We also have a new pastor in Juanacatlan (Bro. Jaime Pastrana) and in Santa Cruz (Bro. Joel Molina). We have two new buildings in Alpoyeca and Calpanapa, and have just begun construction of a church building in Juanacatlan.
Thank you for your generosity to this work. In 2016, we saw hundreds saved through youth camps, Vacation Bible Schools, conferences, retreats, and anniversary services. Although you may not see their faces here upon earth, you will meet them in Glory. Thank you for your faithfulness to God, it has not been in vain. Time is short. We will do all we can for Him in 2017. Thank you for your support and prayers.
We have two special requests. First, please pray for our son, Abdiel, who desires to serve God and will begin studying in a Bible Institute in February. Second, we would like to start a radio station. The need would be about $22,000, so that many could hear God’s Word. For God, all things are possible!