Bill Patterson: April 2017 Prayer Letter
Dear Prayer Partners:
This month’s letter has a very special request. The Missionary-in-Training (MIT) program is now in its second year. Already, we have nearly twenty teens signed up for the two weeks of training and hands-on experience, working side-by-side with veteran missionaries. The special emphasis this year will be “Soul-winning!”

MIT 2016
We are trying to raise $5,000 to pay the travel expenses of two brothers who are willing to video our entire training program. Because many young people might be hesitant to attempt the challenge of raising money for two weeks of camp and ministry in a cross-cultural setting, we want to show them exactly what we are teaching them to do. The funds will also allow us to edit and post all of the sessions online for all to enjoy.
The youth involved in last year’s MIT program have given us many testimonies of how God used that time in their lives to bring them to a closer walk with the Lord, challenged them for ministry, and encouraged them to be involved in missions. Some of the youth have surrendered their lives for full-time mission work.
As I was preparing to write this letter, word came that our home church has sent in $1,000 to help with this need. Please pray that God would provide the remaining $4,000. Thank you for partnering with us to help future generations of young people to be challenged for missions and be trained for ministry.
In Christ’s love,
Bill Patterson