Bill Patterson: September 2018 Prayer Letter

Translation team hard at work

Translating Hebrew into Mongolian
Mongolian Old Testament: Greetings from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia! We are assisting the translation team in several areas. First, we spent several days checking their transliteration of the 2,650 unique names in the Old Testament. We also resolved many questions that the team had been facing. As of today, we are checking their latest draft of the book of Jonah. The delight on their faces as they see the translation coming together is greatly rewarding. They are doing a fantastic job so far. Please pray that God would greatly use this translation to reach all of Mongolia.
Mongolian Church News: When we left Mongolia, we asked Missionary Jason Ritchie if he would take the English church that we had started. During these last two Sundays, I was asked to speak in both the English and Mongolian services. (Due to my “rusty” Mongolian, they kindly provided a translator!) Imagine my surprise when Pastor Ritchie told me on the second Sunday that they had set a new attendance record! The Lord helped a dear Mongolian lady to understand her need of salvation. Although she was recently widowed and was in the process of fulfilling all the Buddhist rites associated with the death of her husband, she decided to renounce Buddhism and accept Christ. Would you please pray that this dear lady would have the courage to stand firm in her faith, despite family oppression? God is able to do far more than we could imagine!
Bible Translation Class in India: A few months ago, I was asked to teach a course on advanced linguistics for the WorldView Institute in Coimbatore, India. Lord willing, I will be with them in three weeks for the forty-hour course. The preparation for this course has stretched me in several areas, and I would truly appreciate your prayers. Please pray that God would supply the $2,000 that I will need for this trip. The school there is on very limited resources, and I do not want to be a burden for them. Thank you for praying!