Manuel and Reina Diaz : October 2020 Prayer Letter
Manuel and Reina Diaz – Church Planter in Bata, Equatorial Guinea

“And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.”1 John 5:20
We thank God for allowing us to continue in our missionary field, serving in the work He has given us, but we also thank each and everyone of you that with your prayers and faithful offering make the work here in Africa possible. Without a doubt we’re living difficult times but only the grace of God within the hearts of each Christian that had understand that this is the only way for people to be saved, moves them to sacrifice for the work of God.

The situation here in Equatorial Guinea hasn’t change much, God in his mercy keeps the doors of the church and school open, we take advantage of this to preach and teach the word of God allowing others to know about the truth and eternal life. However, it seems like people’s heart have hardened and just a few accept the truth, their understanding is being blinded by human philosophies and false doctrinal teachings. The economy has decreased and the need of the people is increasing, it’s hard for most to get the necessary to supply the basic needs of the family. Children are the most affected by this, many of them are no longer sent to school and the ones that attend they don’t have the materials to work, there are no books, the education is terrible for most of them.

In the last week of the month, we received very sad news, a child that attended our school who had fallen ill, died due to lack of medical care, thank God, he received Christ and now he is in His presence. We pray to God that He continues to guide us in the best way to be a blessing, mainly to the brethren of the church, as well as for the ones who will be saved.
All church ministries continue: the bible institute, the youth meetings, the soul winning reunions, the Sunday school services, the projection of biblical films, the prayer services and the Christian education classes for the children of the school. We ask for your prayers that our God continues giving us strength to continue forwards, as our strength is not the same
as it was, it decreases each day.

Please pray that our God keeps us from the common diseases of the place such as: typhoid and malaria, as well as the dangers of violence and robberies by youth gangs, which are increasing to get fast money, their main objective are the houses of foreigners.
Thank you to each of you that have a part in the soul winning here in Africa, for allowing yourself to be used by the Lord and for loving the missionary work. May God continue to bless you, let’s continue faithful until the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Greetings and until next time