Josiah Kennedy: 2020 Annual Report
Josiah and Mary Kenney – Missionary and Church Planter in Ghana
Happy New Year and warm greetings from Accra, Ghana!

Despite the global battle with COVID-19, we continue to praise the Lord for guidance and protection during this difficult time of our world. He has sustained and given us good health through this past year.
We also praise the Lord for providing our Church with a permanent place of worship on our own land. This month is our third month since we started meeting in our church building. Although it is temporary, we cannot hide our joy for this provision. We baptized seven, a few weeks ago, and have three more to baptize in two weeks.
The Lord has so blessed our church through Soul Winning and Visitation program. We are at averaging fifty to sixty on Sundays. In the last 12 weeks since we started meeting, the Lord has brought new visitors every Sunday.

Pray for our ministry in the East Legon area of Accra, as all churches meeting in schools are banned from using school campuses for religious activities because of COVID-19. The Lord has burdened my heart, to study a Bible Study in an area that is 80 percent dominated by Muslims. Please pray for me and our team.
Brethren, we are very grateful and thankful to you all for your continue financial and prayer
support. We say THANK YOU