Tom and Linda Gilmer : November 2021 Prayer Letter
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Linda Gilmer – Church Planter, Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil
November 2021
Dear Friends of Zion:
This past month flew by even faster than last month. We were able to keep going because you prayed and gave. Thank you!
This month Linda celebrated her 78th birthday! All too often, our wives are left for unsung heroes, but I do not wish to make this mistake. I praise the Lord for Linda, my true hero. A picture is worth a thousand words, so I give you a 6,000+ word Prov. 31:10-31 Prayer Letter. We have much to be thankful for. May God richly bless you.
Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer

- Professions of faith: 3.
- The Apple Portuguese Bible App, also prepared by Pr. Walter Campelo, now available in App Store.
- Progress with small church mentioned in April with offerings from us and our first church, TBI (Templo Batista de Indianópolis).
- Zero deaths from covid in 24 hours in São Paulo and seven other states
- Salvation decisions: Jews and Gentiles.
- Ongoing projects (Bible study helps, both media and printed; larger warehouse for Bibles)
- Full support for Harold Ralph Gilmer.
- Ordination this month of pastor of small church mentioned in April prayer letter.
- Economy of Brazil: financial crisis.