Rom and Rachael Ribeiro: Annual Report for 2021 (January 2022)
Rom and Rachel Ribeiro – Church Planter in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Dear Pastor and Brethren,

“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” (John 9:4)
During our furlough last year, though we were visiting churches in the midst of a pandemic, we were welcomed by each church with so much love. Thank you so much for keeping Missions alive before the people of God. Thank you for making it possible for us to work while it is yet day. Maranatha!

Now, back to Brazil, we are trying to restore the various ministries the Lord has given us. We plan to divide our time between Goiânia, where the Mother Church and Jimmy Rose Christian School are, and Ribeirão Preto, where we established our fifth church. Both churches need to recover numerically. Also, our school is literally paying the government to exist because enrollment went down during the pandemic to the point that it cannot cover all the operational costs and taxes. Pray that the Lord will supply all of our needs and grant us wisdom in dealing with these challenges.
Though we are concerned about the ones who have not yet come back to church after the pandemic, on the bright side, we thank the Lord for the visitors that are coming to our services. Nearly every week since coming back we have seen people accepting Christ as their Savior.

Of the 110 thousand dollars we needed to raise to build the Sunday school building of the church in Jardim Cerrado, we now lack only US$ 13,000. Please help us pray that this amount might soon come in. We are also praying the Lord will send another missionary family to work with us. Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support.
In His Perfect Love,
Rom & Rachel Ribeiro