Harold and Lílian Gilmer : February-March 2023 Prayer Letter
Harold and Lilian Gilmer – South America Director, Church Planter and Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil.
Dear Brethren:
“The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad” (Psalm 126:3).
Praise the Lord we returned to Brazil on January 31, just in time for the kids to start back to school the next day. Our arrival was like a whirlwind, with no time to catch our breath. We need to say a very special Thank You for all that made our trip to the USA such a blessing to our little family. We returned with our souls restored (Psalm 23:3a).
This is promising to be a very busy year for us. Besides starting the publishing house, I will also be teaching Biblical Methods of Bible Study at the Bible Institute on Thursday evenings. Please pray that the Lord will use me in these young people’s lives as they prepare for the ministry.
Rejoice with us for all the Lord is doing in our Congregation. In our absence, four people accepted Christ as their personal Savior. The Lord willing a Missions Team from our home church, Worth Baptist, will be
coming to our Congregation this summer to help us with our Vacation Bible School and Evangelistic Outreach. We are very excited about their coming! Please pray with us in the preparations for this endeavor.
Rejoice with us that the coordination of the Strong´s Numbering System to our Portuguese Bible is complete! To God be the glory! We are working through the last details of this project before going to typesetting. Revision of the Hebrew and Greek Lexicon translation should be complete in a couple of months, the Lord willing, and should be ready for typesetting. Please pray with us for the conclusion of this invaluable tool!
Please continue to pray with us for our Bible printing needs. Praise the Lord, the need this great! I feel like the shoe salesman who went to a country and found that no one had shoes, and requested a whole container of shoes. The only difference is that I would request several containers of Bibles!
Last year I was exasperated when considering our Bible printing needs, asking but for a gold brick from the streets of Heaven to print more Bibles (as though saying to God that I knew better how to employ His resources). I felt very strongly rebuked of the Lord, for His is the silver and the gold (Hg. 2:8). His is the command to preach the Gospel to every creature (Mk. 16:15), and it is of His Spirit to direct (Ac. 16:6-10). If this is a work of faith, then of necessity it must be by faith. We must trust Him to provide our daily needs (of course, this includes both our printing needs as well as our personal needs), for that is what He taught us to pray. What I do not want is to arrive in Heaven, look at my Savior, behold His Glory, and say to myself: Why did I not (fill in the blank) more? “Oh for grace, to trust Him more.”
Yours fellow servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle