Manuel and Reina Diaz : April 2023 Prayer Letter
Manuel and Reina Diaz – Church Planter in Equatorial Guinea, Africa

“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14
We thank our God for all the activities that He allowed us to do this month, it is a blessing to serve our Lord, obeying His word to share the Gospel of Salvation in this place. His fidelity has been shown by the keeping His promises, not only supplying every need that His work needs, but also in our lives. The church activities continue forward, the Lord continues to give us fruit, with people putting their faith in Him and having visitors at our Sunday services.
We celebrated the Holy Week and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, with services on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday at 6 a.m. we had our Easter service, after that we had a time of fellowship with the brethren who arrived and later at 9 a.m. we had our regular Sunday service.
The classes at the Mount Abarim Educational Center continue, this month we began our third term, and the children are learning not only their regular subjects but also the Word of God in their weekly class, every Friday. The brethren continue to spiritually grow and continue faithful in the weekly soul winning reunion.
We began a new term of the church institute; the brethren are learning basic doctrine to be more effective in the work of our Lord. The contagion of the Marburg virus continues in the city where we live, more people have died but the information is scarce, the authorities have asked the pastors of the churches to report cases that occur, because they know that most of the churches are used for folk medicine and practice the expulsion of demons, and many people are saying that it is not true that it is an invention of the government and thatit is due to the practice of witchcraft.
We ask you to pray for the people, there is a lot of need in this place, most of them don’t have a job but have a family and expenses to meet at home. There are many people of all ages asking for help in the streets, children looking for old irons to sell to get something to eat at home. Times are difficult, we ask you to pray for us, because as foreigners we are asked to help, but we can’t help everyone, we mainly help those who are part of our family in the faith. Pray, so that we can gain them for Christ.
For that we thank the sacrifice you make, by supporting us in prayer and by sending your economical support; let us continue pleasing our God by doing what is good and helping each other. We thank each one of you for your generosity, by making the work of our Lord that was entrusted to us, to continue forward in this place in so much need of the Gospel.
Let us continue faithful, our Lord is near, and the time is short, there are still so many that need to hear the good news of salvation. May God continue to bless you. Greetings and until next time.