The Alvarez Family: February-March 2023 Prayer Letter
The Alvarez Family – Missionary in the Basque Country

Dear Brethren
Greetings from the Basque Country! Thank you to all of you for your prayers. By the Lord’s grace, we continue onward. We thank God for His work in this place; there is no doubt that He does so much more than what we ask for or understand. We want to ask you to pray for our health; both Tete and I have some physical challenges. It will always be good and of great encouragement to know that we have dear beloved brethren praying for us. May our Lord bless you and keep you!

In the last months we have had two Intensive Bible Institutes in Aierdi. The theme of the first one was “Jesus Christ in the Old Testament” and the theme of the second one was “Prophecy.” A few days ago we had our 3rd Apologetics retreat. Around 45 brethren were able to come. As always, it was a great blessing and challenge to all of us.
We ask that you would pray for the salvation of several people that are coming to church: Sonia (from Spain), Segundo (from Ecuador; his wife is one of the ladies from our church), and Sorin (from Romania; his wife recently received the Lord as her Savior. He is not yet saved, but he comes to church faithfully.) We are thankful because we will soon baptize several of the new believers and because almost every Sunday we have people visiting the church for the first time.

Opportunitiesto serve: Bible Institute;
conference; our parents
Last year I was invited to teach a course on “Personal Evangelism” which took place this past weekend. Approximately 25 brethren from different parts of Spain participated. I also had the opportunity to preach in a church located near Madrid. It was a great joy to see the auditorium filled with brethren that were full of enthusiasm and desire to keep moving onward.

We are watching with great excitement what the Lord is doing with Missionary Link. We are preparing and planning our first international conference, but we are also developing new ideas, with the firm goal of encouraging and edifying the missionaries, pastors and churches.
One of the prices to pay when we obey the Lord’s calling to serve Him is to leave everything behind. Our parents have supported us from the beginning, but the years have passed and they have grown older. I had to make a lightning trip to Mexico to care for my parents. My father had an accident more than a year ago and I was unable to go see him, so the Lord gave me this precious time to be with them. The Lord’s command to honor our parents still stands.
Thank you, dear brethren, for your faithful prayers and support! It is a joy and a privilege to be your ambassadors and collaborators in Spain
Juan & Teté Alvarez