Manuel and Reina Diaz : June 2023 Prayer Letter
Manuel and Reina Diaz – Church Planter in Equatorial Guinea, Africa

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” 2 Timothy 4:7 We thank God, who allows us to share with all of you the blessings He has poured out on his work, what a blessing it is to be servants of God and to be representatives of every church that supports this work in this part of the world.
The Mount Abarim Baptist Church continues forward, with all the ministries and our God has been faithful supplying every need that His work requires. We celebrated the fathers of the church and the children and youth who graduated, who will go to another grade in their education, encouraging them to remain firm in the Word of God and in their work that corresponds to each one, according to the will of God. The brethren are growing showing their maturity in the time of soul winning that is our highest priority, due to the urgency of the people’s need for salvation.
Life is still very difficult for everyone in this place, unemployment affects most people, crime is on the rise and food is scarce in homes. We ask you to pray for the brethren of the church, so that their faith does not diminish, since they are not free from the material needs that affect people, thank God for His promises, He does not leave or forsake His children. There were many activities at the Mount Abarim Educational Center, for the end of the school year, thank God for the support provided by brethren who were faithful in supporting the education of some of our children. In each classroom, the children had their end-of-year gathering with their teachers, where some snacks were prepared, which they savored happily.
We concluded with an end of school year program, where five six graders graduated and where we rewarded the best students of each grade, giving them a small gift for their effort and perseverance in their studies, even despite the many difficulties, not only economic but bad attention from their parents. Most of the children will go on vacation to their villages, but the most important thing is that they have all heard of Jesus Christ and have put their faith in Him for salvation.
We appreciate your prayers for them and for your faithful financial support, God continue to put the desire in your heart to continue helping in the next school year, which will be more difficult, due to the economic conditions that are being experienced in the country.
Our greatest desire is to continue forward until the Lord allows us, we ask our God to continue strengthening us even in sickness. Keep praying for us, we are still waiting for a response to our permanence documentation and the authorization of the church, we trust in our God who is in control of everything.
Pray for our son Eric and his family, they will be traveling to Mexico on July 19 to process documents that are about to expire. Let us continue until the coming of our great God and Lord Jesus Christ, His promises are faithful and true. God bless you. Greetings and until next time.