Tom and Linda Gilmer : July 2024 Prayer Letter
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Linda Gilmer – Church Planter, Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil
July 2024
Dear Friends of Zion:
Your continued support in prayers and offerings were gratefully received and accomplished much.
A prayer partner wrote asking if “. . . that WOKE agenda was passed (that) you spoke of back in February?” Answer: The Brazilian Congress recently passed a bill that increases requirements in basic education (reading, writing, arithmetic) because of Brazilian students’ low ratings in those areas in comparison to worldwide average achievement. The bill will now go to the Brazilian Senate. Moral and ideological issues, requiring the usage of neutral pronouns and such, were omitted. Thank God! The danger persists but is not imminent. Praise the Lord for this partial victory!

Our daughter Ruth Hammond, her husband Cliff, their daughter Elisabeth, and sons Daniel and Samuel, paid us a visit at the time of our 62nd wedding anniversary on June 1. They were in a celebrating mood. Cliff had just retired and Ruth left her fulltime teaching position. She and Cliff will do freelance work. Elisabeth is expecting a second child, and her husband Matt is a fireman and serves with the National Guard while pursuing a degree as a medical assistant. Daniel is in his third year of college, pursuing a degree in economics, and Samuel just completed 10th and 11th grades of high school in one year and will enter 12th grade this fall.
Cliff is a lay preacher. He spoke in three of our churches in the 10 days they were here. He is available for pulpit supply or even a call to become an associate pastor. He loves to preach and disciple. His address is Mr. Cliff Hammond, 2750 Reservoir Road, Hollisdaysburg, PA 16648; cellphone: (662)418-2352.
May God richly bless you all.
Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer
- Professions of faith: 4.
- Visit of our daughter Ruth, husband Cliff, and grandchildren Elisabeth, Daniel, and Samuel.
- Special offerings given to help with some conference expenses in July.
- Offering given for critical personal need of Pr. Washington, along with wise counsel he heeded to
help raise personal support from Brazilian churches. - Offerings received for Bibles & New Testaments with Psalms/Proverbs for flood victims in S. Brazil.
- Pr. Alexandre, director of Jewish ministry, led another tour of 32 people to Israel and visited some
Jewish friends we helped to live and work in Israel.
- Salvation decisions of Jews and Gentiles.
- Ongoing Bible study helps.
- Progress on and completion of some of our most pressing projects.
- Healing of surgery on Tom’s left ear lobe for a malignant carcinoma. Wisdom for the plastic surgeon who said he can reconstruct the appearance of the ear. Pray for biopsy results we are awaiting.