Harold and Lílian Gilmer : August – September 2024 Prayer Letter

Harold and Lilian Gilmer – South America Director, Church Planter and Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil

Dear Brethren:
“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4).

Church Planting
By God´s amazing grace, twenty-nine children trusted Christ as their personal Savior at Vacation Bible School, this year. Through the preaching of God´s Word (at a youth meeting and at our Church), two young men were saved. And through a funeral service, thirty people made a profession of faith. Truly “God gives the increase.”

Bible Ministry
I had the privilege of speaking at a very special Conference in Manaus, Amazon, on the theme Until He Comes. My topic was Persevering in Faithfulness to the Scriptures. It was such a joy to speak to approximately three hundred pastors and missionaries present at the Conference. The need for Portuguese Scriptures is much greater than simply Brazil. I had the privilege of meeting with Pr. Virgílio, from Angola. (He was one of my students in online seminary last year.) He said there is a great need of Portuguese Scriptures for Africa, as well. Please pray with us in taking the Word of God to places it has not reached.

Book Publication Ministry – New!
In addition to Church Planting and Bible Publication, the Lord is leading us into book publication, as well. The first book we will be publishing is Faith is the Victory, by Buell H. Kazee. This book was translated into Portuguese by my niece, Rochelle Ribeiro, with the blessing of Pastor Jerald Manley, from Heritage Baptist Church, in Pensacola, FL. This book is currently being typeset and should go to print this fall semester. Would you prayerfully consider taking part in this new branch of ministry, which we are calling Biblical Teachings? (Please designate your offering Book Publication.) We are excited to see what God has in store for this ministry!

Yours fellow servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle