Tom and Linda Gilmer : December 2024 Prayer Letter
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Linda Gilmer – Church Planter, Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil
December 2024
Dear Friends of Zion:
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year once again! With heartfelt thanks to all who prayed and contributed to make our work possible this past year.

December is my favorite month because the festive atmosphere makes people more open to the Gospel and a personal witness. On December 1st, I begin asking everyone I meet: “Has anyone said Merry Christmas to you this year?” When they say, “No!” I pull a tract from my pocket and hand it to them saying, “Merry Christmas! And here is your first present!” Any tract will do, but I especially like “Eternal Life is a Free Gift,” by the Fellowship Tract League. I point out the address of one of our churches printed on the tract, as well as the invitation to download the BBN Radio App with Christmas music in December and the App of the faithful Almeida/KJV Bible translation we provide, with the Exhaustive Concordance in Portuguese and English. I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of people who have not received the greeting and tract with a smile. Sometimes the person will take time for a personal presentation of the Gospel message and even pray to accept Christ.
Missionaries with BIMI, Daniel and Rebecca (Becky) Bennett have, since 2013, led the deaf church that meets at our first church, Templo Batista de Indianópolis (TBI). They are moving to the USA to raise up more laborers with the deaf and can be reached at The deaf ministry at TBI is praying for a new pastor, and one hearing-impaired man is helping our newest church in Vila Guacuri to begin a deaf ministry. The Bennetts’ move to the USA has delayed because they had to take over and locate the right person to take over a church started by a missionary to the deaf who had to leave Brazil abruptly because of family illness.
The Trinitarian Bible Society of Brazil was recognized at the Annual Awards ceremony of the Christian Book Editors Association. Tom was called: “God´s gift to Brazil; ‘a man after God´s own heart.’” The master of ceremonies, Pr. Wagner, used to attend the Friends of Zion meetings as a teenager. Truly the Bible and Jewish Ministries go hand-in-hand. To God be the glory!
May God richly bless you all.
Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer
- Professions of faith: 4.
- Several projects I am mentoring came to fruition this past month:
a. Transitions are completed for the deaf church that meets at our first church.
b. The transition of one pastor was settled by his resignation due to health issues.
c. Another pastor has accepted the call to a church in the interior.
- Salvation decisions of Jews and Gentiles.
- Ongoing Bible study helps:
a. Electronic and printed Almeida Corrigida Fiel (ACF) Portuguese Exhaustive Concordance with a dictionary using Strong’s number system.
b. Basic Bible App with some new features. - Linda facing issues with arthritis in feet and knees.