Tom and Linda Gilmer : January 2025 Prayer Letter
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Linda Gilmer – Church Planter, Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil
Dear Friends of Zion:
Linda and I want to thank all of you for your part in helping us reach objectives victoriously in 2024. A special thanks to all who sent Christmas offerings! God supplied many needs.
PRAISE for results in 2024:
a) Beautiful transition of the deaf church led by Missionary Dan Bennett for many years at Templo Batista de Indianópolis (TBI, our main church). It will now be led by the pastoral staff of TBI. As of March 2025, Brother Dan will be available in the USA for special meetings related to the Deaf Ministry.
b) Newly ordained Pastor Amâncio fell ill and had to resign as pastor of the church in Parque Bristol, but there were salvations and baptisms during his tenure there. The church is in a precarious stage as leadership decisions are being made.
c) See report of Harold Ralph and Lílian concerning success with the Vila Guacuri church.
a) Amigos para Sião (Friend for Zion) groups continue to be maintained in Brazil and Portugal; also reaching Israel.
b) Pastor Alexandre Dutra, president of our Brazilian Jewish Ministry, led another tour to Israel and is preparing another for next August. He is finalizing the writing of his third book, a collection of his comments and observations regarding the Book of Exodus. It will serve as a guide for Sunday school and small study Bible groups and will become a good tool for Bible Schools and seminaries. It brilliantly defends the conservative time lines of Ussher and other, more recent, conservative chronologists.
c) Pastor Ricardo Marques Brito, through his ministry to Muslims, Light for the Orient, is preparing to do a new series of Academy of the Study of Bible Prophets at Templo Batista de Indianópolis, emphasizing prophecies concerning many specific Arab nations.
a) We cooperate with five Bible institutes and/or seminaries, both “digital” and “in presence” with professors from our own ministries and churches teaching Jewish Ministry, Bibliology, and solid Biblical Exegesis courses, as well as other studies.
b) I mentor 24 pastors and selected students and authors.
See the report of Harold Ralph and Lílian.
PRAYER for the year 2025:
1.Salvation of Jews and Gentiles.
2. Ongoing Bible projects and study helps, digital and printed. Qualified personnel (volunteer or paid) to help. Especially pray for the completion of the Portuguese Exhaustive Concordance with Strong’s number system.
3. Church Ministry – Various ministry projects (deaf, music, bookstore, etc.) with various groups of our churches cooperating.
4. Jewish Ministry – Tour to Israel in August 2025 led by Pr. Alexandre Dutra, plus a time of ministry in Israel after the tour.
5. Education Ministry – Theological and general education. New TBI building will house a Christian Day School.
6. Harold Ralph and Lílian – Additional supporters now. Thanks again for having prayed in 2024 and for continuing to pray in 2025. May God richly bless you all.
Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer