Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes – February 2025 Newsletter

Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Dear Pastor and friends,

By the time you receive this letter, I will be back with my beloved kids in Tlapa. When I left Tlapa last September to get some medical attention. I never dreamed it would be this long before I was able to return. Every time I have contact with the children’s home staff, I am told how the children are looking forward to my return. If they only knew! Every time I think about it, my eyes fill with tears. God has so graciously blessed me with the privilege of being involved in this ministry at this stage of my life.

January 14-16 was the annual Mt. Abarim Baptist Mission conference held at the Worth Baptist Church in Ft. Worth, TX. We heard challenging messages from our Pastor Tyler Gillit, Dr. Ken Fielder, Dr. Charles Keen, Dr. Roger Green, Dr. Bill Patterson, and many missionaries. Funds were also raised for several projects, including purchasing more books for our Tlapa school library.

Monthly support for all but seven children was also promised. Please help us pray the need for these seven children will soon be met. Monthly support for each child is $125. If you are interested in helping support a child, please contact our office and they will give you further information.

A dream my husband had in the early 1980’s was to have Mexican missionaries serve outside of Mexico. At that time there were only a few. As our Mexican friends in the ministry can testify, my husband Mike Patterson began challenging young people to serve the Lord in missions in every conference or church where he spoke. He led the Mount Abarim Baptist Church, the church he started and pastored in Cuernavaca, to start Faith Promise Missions Giving, If I am not mistaken, that was the first church in Mexico to do so.

Tody, it thrills my soul to see hundreds of Mexican missionaries serving the Lord all over the world. Some are even in the 10/40 window nations. At our conference in January, we had Mexican missionaries serving in Ecuador, Spain, and Colombia. My heart rejoices in what God is doing. I thank the Lord for the fulfillment of my Mike’s vision.

During the past three years since my precious Mike’s death, churches have requested an updated prayer card from me. I am happy to tell you my granddaughter Hannah Gibson designed one for me. If your church would like to receive some of these prayer cards, please let the Mount Abarim office know. Their phone number and email are printed at the bottom of this letter.

I appreciate your prayers as I return to Mexico. I am excited to see what God will do in the next months at the children’s home. To God be the glory!

Because He first loved us,

Becky Patterson
Psalm 46:10-11

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