Mike Patterson: May 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
As I pen this letter, I am so thankful for your prayers. A month ago today I was still in the hospital with another (my third) heart attack. This one was not as severe as the one in June 2013, and I am rebounding quickly. I am already in cardiac rehab.
My cardiologist has cleared me for travel
Becky and I will fly to Mexico on May 21. I will only stay for a weekend meeting and return to continue rehab. Becky will stay in Mexico for another two weeks preparing things to ship to our Tlapa apartment. We both dread being separated even for a few days.

Heather gradduates from H.S. in a few days
Conference Ministry
My special joy for many years has been helping churches with their Faith Promise Mission’s Conferences and Family Conferences worldwide. If we can be of service, I am back traveling.

Pray for Henry and Georgette Bledsoe as she battles cancer. These are dear friends.
President Emeritus
This new phase of ministry has brought its own special joys. I do much of what I have always done, but with less stress. The younger men that replaced me as President and Executive Director are doing a marvelous job. The mission continues to grow.

Marco and Yoli directing Tlapa homes and school.
Current Needs
Our Aetna Medicare is covering much less of my recent hospital stay than it did in 2013. My rehab will cost nearly $2,000 above the hospital and doctors costs. God will provide, but thanks for praying.

Mike with Pastor Alex Ramirez in Cuernavaca.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: Please pray that I will have renewed strength. My greatest desire is to honor my Lord with whatever remains of my life. You have been the best friends any missionary family could have wished for. We love you deeply and dearly.