Mike Patterson: August 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:

I will be preaching in Cuernavaca in just a few days…Praise the Lord!
Today I finished cardiac rehab. Yahoo! We will be traveling back to Mexico in a few days. Please pray that I will be able to tolerate the mile high plus altitudes. This is important to the future of our work.

Well attended graduation services
School Graduation in Tlapa –The State Director attended.
We were all shocked when the education director for the state of Guerrero asked to attend graduation. Our school is considered the best in the state and the government director brought not only accolades for the level of education, but gifts for every student.

New Tepeyac church building is now finished!
The new building in Tepeyac will be dedicated September 17.
The building is complete; Plumbing, electrical, doors and windows are all done. The baptistery is full of water and ready for the first baptisms! If I can tolerate the 7200 ft. altitude, I will be preaching.

Staff retreat August 2015
Staff Retreat
Our staff retreat was held in a lovely resort near Tlapa. Bill took his family and was the devotional speaker. This is a yearly highlight for all of our staff for the homes and offices in Mexico. The theme was leadership and everyone was blessed by the teaching.
Reunion of the Bethesda Homes September 18-19, 2015.
After a difficult year with multiple heart attacks, I am much improved and will be traveling to Mexico after completing cardiac rehab on August 27. We expect a perhaps as many as 1,200 graduates to attend. We do need sponsors for this event. We anticipate costs of $6-7,000. Please be in prayer with us for these out of budget funds. Brothers Austin and Ethan James are joining us as videographer and photojournalist for the events. We will share the captured emotions with you as soon as possible.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: The sales of MY PEOPLE are doing far better than expected. We are giving all of the proceeds to the Tlapa Homes…It has been a joy to write a much needed check each week for the children.