Mike Patterson: March 2016 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:

Final four children needing support.
Pray with us for the need of supporters for the last four children at $100 per month. I believe God has a special love for these “little ones” as Dr. McCoy always called them. Call our offices at (817) 419 0363, if you would like to help one or more of them.
We presently have 14 who have joined the Bethesda Centurion Club at $25 per month to sponsor the Christian School needs. Pleased that soon we will have the full 100 to fund this great need. I doubt a better investment could be found than this one.

Part of the crowd at the 25th Anniversary of a daughter church started by Florintino Amaro.
We thank God for your faithfulness in praying for these special servants of the Lord. The children pray daily for you as well and their simple prayers must be a delight to our Lord.
We have a new DVD that we will be sending you in the next few days. I hope you will be blessed and moved by what the Lord is doing and has done in the mountains of Guerrero. None of this could have happened without faithful friends like you. Your reward is eternal.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: I will be having another heart ablation surgery on March 29. I covet your prayers. This will be the third attempt to control the atrial fibrillation that has plagued me in recent years. It is a delicate matter and I ask you to hold hands with Becky in the throne room regardless of the outcome. God has been so good to us. He is worthy of our highest praise.