Bethesda Children’s Home: February 2017 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
I’m writing with a thankful heart. So many wonderful things have taken place in recent days. God has been so gracious.
On February 14, the cancerous tumor was removed from my duodenum by a successful endoscopic procedure. The renowned surgeon was able to avoid a much more dangerous resection surgery. They biopsied a couple of other places and on Friday I will find out if any further treatment is indicated.

Home for Marco and Yoli almost finished.
Soon our first phase of two projects in Tlapa will be completed. Detail work is now being done. This much needed two-bedroom apartment for our director and his family is already fully funded.

Plans for the new school building in Tlapa which will allow us to add sixty new students in the fall.
We will then begin building, by faith, the much-needed Christian School building. This will allow us to double our enrollment. We already have about half of the projected cost of the school building. Pray with us about the other $30,000 needed to finish this project.
We were in Mexico in both December and January. It is amazing to see all that is happening. As soon as the doctors allow we will be flying back.
Many were saved in our trips to Mexico. Twelve in Cuernavaca and Tepoztlan, and too many to report accurately in Tlapa. Over fifty offered their lives to serve the Lord in the two trips. God is so good.
I have now lost about 45 pounds through this ordeal and don’t really miss the weight. Today I met with the cardiologist and my heart is doing better than it has in years.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. At the anniversary service in Tepoztlan an older saint sang an off key special. Luis asked, “Do you remember her, she was saved in San Andres the night they slashed your tires 40 years ago.” I am ashamed to admit it but I didn’t remember her though I did remember the tires. My memory of that night was not the victory of a soul saved but rather a temporary sacrifice. Our God deserves better…