Mike Patterson: July 2017 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:

Poured concrete and steel school roof designed for our earthquake zone.
Thank you for being our praying friends. Every report from Tlapa is encouraging. Two of our three construction projects are now complete. The dollar is now devaluating and building costs have grown. It will take about $15,000 to complete the school building.
Thankful for your prayers for my cancer

My new look after weight loss.
My endoscopy and possible cancer surgery scheduled for yesterday has been rescheduled for August. The surgeon needed additional time to study my case. The tumor in the duodenum is located exactly in the juncture of three important ducts going to vital organs. I continue to lose weight but my heart function has improved.
Flood update from Texas
Five rooms were flooded, baseboards, drywall, wall paper, kitchen cabinets, paneling in the living room, Brazilian cherry hardwood flooring in the dining room and carpet in two rooms were all ruined. They hope to have repairs finished by August. Our part for deductibles and depreciation is a challenge to my weak faith.

A few of this year’s graduates.
Staff Retreat in Mexico
Our staff in the homes, school, and offices meet each year in early August for a well-deserved time of teaching, fellowship and rest. Our son Bill will be our guest speaker this year. Last year’s retreat sparked revival that continues until this day. Pray for victory.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. Please pray that my faith will be increased. I have found it difficult at times to balance the pressing needs of the homes while facing shortfalls personally. Letters from three supporting churches that had to discontinue our support after years of faithfulness left me with a prayer burden for these dear friends. Health issues and approaching my three score and ten have made me understand that only our God can meet our real needs and He is an awesome God.