Tom and Linda Gilmer

June 2018 Prayer Letter

Tom Gilmer: June 2018 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of Zion:

Thank you for continuing to make our work possible by praying and giving. Brazil needs much prayer.  (1) The major newspaper in our city ran a series of articles comparing death tolls in countries at war in 2017, to the number of assassinations in Brazil in the same time period.  The tally: 33,425 in war-torn Syria versus 61,283 in “peace-loving” Brazil, “the land of bloodless wars!”  A person runs greater risk of being killed in Brazil than in a war zone!  (2) Upcoming elections offer few trustworthy candidates.  Many good people refuse to get involved because of the constant refrain that “politics corrupt” or “an honest politician is always at gunpoint.”  An “evangelical lobby” exists in the Brazilian congress, but one who professed to be “evangelical”, rose to a high government position and was even a presidential hopeful, was the first to be condemned and imprisoned for corruption!  Pray that upright, God-fearing Christians will get involved.  (3) The economy is headed for an unprecedented crisis, unless God intervenes.  Organized crime has become a threat to Brazil’s democracy, says the headline to the editorial column in today’s newspaper.

Israel’s 70th Anniversary celebration at the City Council opened the door for witness to several Israeli dignitaries.  Four people from our Friends of Zion group accompanied me.  A retired Jewish journalist recognized me and publicly called attention to our defense of Israel against the PLO in the early 1980’s.  (We were able to get over 4,000 signatures and letters to the President, encouraging him not to give diplomatic recognition to the PLO.  He did not.  His office called to thank our office for our involvement in the issue.)  Thus, I became a person of interest to the Israeli Ambassador, Israeli Consul, and a leader of the Jewish Federation, and was able to give a Gospel witness to each of them at that event.

Recently, Dona F. came with her daughter R. for the first time to our Friday night Friends of Zion meeting.  She had just returned from a trip with her daughter from London to visit her son, a Jewish believer in Israel.  This unsaved daughter was amazed to see her brother’s stability.  When asked what made the difference, he credited his success to the help he received at our Friends of Zion meetings the year before he moved to Israel.  Thank God I have resisted the temptation to cut this family from my prayer list!  Linda maintains e-mail contact with Dona F.  May God complete the work in their hearts and bless you all!

Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer


  1. Professions of faith: 4.
  2. Guacuri congregation lacks only $700 for new chairs and improvements.
  3. Impressive contacts with Jewish leaders as a result of much prayer over many years
  4. More progress with health of grandchildren.


  1. Salvation of Jews and Gentiles.
  2. Ongoing projects (Bible study helps, media outlets, and warehouse for Bibles).
  3. Editorial work on the History of the Portuguese Bible.
  4. Brazil – right decisions NOW by those in government authority.
  5. Brazil – upcoming elections of many new officials.

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