Bethesda Children’s Homes: June – July 2019 Prayer Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson
MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

In a miraculous answer to prayer, funds were provided for a NEW 4-wheel drive pickup!
* Pray that funds for a $3500 order of school curriculum materials will soon be provided.
* Our girls home director and his wife resigned after seven years with us.

Rejoice – The churches all over Mexico are exploding. Times of trial often bring blessing.
Graduation Banquet and Celebration – Pray that this year’s graduation will be crowned with His presence. Many lost attend each year.
Summer Staff Training and Retreat – This year’s retreat is critical with staff changes and new children coming. Bill Patterson will be the speaker. Pray for him. We still need a sponsor of $5000. This is an investment with eternal dividends.
We were able to fly to Mexico and be with the homes in late May and early June. It was a blessed and encouraging time for all. I preached in Tlapa and Heaven came down. Many were saved, and at least a dozen surrendered for full time service.
As you know, one of my cancer markers has risen dramatically. I covet your prayer as I have extensive testing and scans done in July. God is in control.
In His Love,,
Mike and Becky Patterson