Bethesda Children’s Homes: August 2019 Prayer Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson
MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
Dear Friends.

Thank you so much for your offerings and prayers. Without your faithful sacrifices this wildly productive ministry could not exist. Every soul is fruit abounding to your account.
In a few days our new school year will begin in Tlapa. The staff is working feverishly to prepare. We will be adding 20 new children and four new staff members. The Tlapa family will reach 170 in a few days. That is a lot to pray over each day but God has been so gracious in meeting the ministry needs.

In July I had scans and blood work for my battle with cancer. The tumor in the pancreas had not grown and the lab work was mostly good. The oncologist released me to travel. We’ll be in Mexico the last of this month after a final meeting in California. I humbly ask your prayers.

The future of the ministry is as bright as the promises of God. Our combined staff of the homes and Mexican offices met in a resort near Tlapa for the annual retreat and training sessions. It was a blessed time. Our need of $3500 for curriculum materials has been met! In days the children return for the new year. Many share Christ with their villages and return with wonderful stories of souls being saved all over those mountains Thank you for making that possible.
In His Love,
Mike and Becky Patterson
Psalm 2:8