Bethesda Children’s Homes: November 2019 Prayer Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson
MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Dear Pastor and friends:

It is such a joy to serve Jesus and an extra thrill to see the lives changed as children come under the power of the Word of God. Thank you for helping make all of this possible.
My health has improved enough to allow me to travel to meetings. We were recently in the Mission Conference of PCC and Campus church. They have been very generous to the Children.

We now have missionaries on four continents that came to the homes speaking only their tribal dialects. They are now giving the Gospel all over the world.
Recently we’ve received several wonderful awards. None were deserved, but it’s nice to know we are loved. What we long for is to finish well and maybe hear “well done.”

Pray for all the new children. Many are 5-7 years old and they are immersed in learning Spanish and the three “R’s.” Everything is new and probably frightening…they’ve never had beds or bathrooms or running water much less three meals a day.
On December 27th Becky and I celebrate our 50th or Golden Anniversary. It seems like only yesterday when we married. Our five children are organizing a reception in our honor the next day. All of our children and grandchildren will be with us for Christmas. Absolute Joy!
We have so many needs for the children in the homes and Becky and I are facing some mountains as well. But this is a letter of Joy and thanks…
In His Love,
Mike and Becky Patterson
Psalm 2:8