Oscar and Melissa Pedroza Jr.
Missionaries to the Dominican Republic

2020 Annual Report

We arrived in the Dominican Republic in November of 2019. We had previously served in Cuba but were expelled for working on a church plant. In July of 2020, we started a church in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros. Our current membership is entirely made up of Haitian expatriates who speak Haitian Creole. God has blessed us with men who translate my messages every Sunday.
During the summer, we were able to participate in an amazing Vacation Bible School for children living on the border of the Dominican Republic with Haiti. Many of the children accepted Christ as Savior.

Please consider praying for us and supporting our ministry, helping us move forward in the Lord’s work.
Prayer requests:
-for a new place for our church.
-for wisdom to learn the language.
-for the support that we lost in 2020.
Your servants in the Dominican Republic,
Oscar, Melissa, and Hadasa Pedroza