Harold and Lílian Gilmer : November 2021 Prayer Letter
Harold and Lilian Gilmer – South America Director, Church Planter and Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil.

Dear Brethren:
“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever” (Psalm 136:1).
Church Planting – “God gave the increase”
We just concluded our fall evangelistic campaign that culminated with our Missions Conference and faith promise renewal. Praise the Lord over 4.000 gospel tracts were distributed and six people accepted the Lord Jesus
Christ as their personal Savior. To God be the glory!
Bible Ministry – Presses are rolling!
Praise the Lord we just commenced the printing of 30.000 giant print Bibles and just completed the printing of 5.000 Mega Legible Bibles (which were printed in South Korea). We would also like to say a very special thank you to Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church who gave a special offering towards our Exhaustive Concordance project. Praise the Lord, great progress is being made.

Family News and Giving Thanks
Things are bubbling with our family. Rapha turned ten on October 1st and Dani just turned seven on November 5th. After nineteen months of online classes, the Governor of our state (São Paulo) decreed that all children return to physical attendance in class. This is due to the great decrease of Covid cases in our State, for which we are very grateful. The kids are very excited to be back to their Christian School, but their Mommy thoroughly enjoyed teaching them from home.
We need to take this moment and thank the Lord and each one of you who
have prayed and given toward our ministry this year. Words fail to express the gratitude in our hearts for every one of you. Without your prayers and gifts of love, our work would not be possible. You are partakers in this ministry, with eternal dividends. It is a great joy and responsibility to be your representatives for Christ in Brazil, andwe do not take that lightly . May the Lord greatly bless you.
Yours fellow servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Daniell