Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes -March 2022 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Dear Pastor and friends:
It is 4:00 pm in Tlapa. The children in the Bethesda Children’s Home have finished school and enjoyed a delicious meal. Now it is time to play! The older boys have kicked off their shoes to play soccer barefooted on the concrete courtyard. The younger ones are playing chase or with their cars and trucks. The girls are either playing volleyball or working on a craft. Later this afternoon they will get their Bibles and have a lesson. How I long to be in the midst of all this activity!
Presently, I am collecting documents after the death of my dear husband. To do things legally in Mexico, first they have to be processed according to law in the US. As an example of how important this is, the children’s home bank account in Mexico has been frozen. The needs are all being met by other means, but this problem must be resolved. I am legally on the board of directors in Mexico for the children’s homes. Please help me pray all matters such as this can soon be resolved.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support. we are a team, all for the honor and glory of our dear Savior!
In His Love,
Becky Patterson