Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes -May 2022 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Dear Pastor and friends,
The Past month has been packed with activities, all of the glory of God! On April 15, 1 flew to Mexico with my son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Marcy Patterson. After a blessed weekend in Tlapa, we returned to Cuernavaca for a memorial service on April 23 in honor of my husband, Dr. Mike Patterson. All five of our children were able to join us. Brother Alejandro Ramirez and the Iglesia Bautista Monte Abarim were our hosts. Dear friends from different parts of Mexico came to pay respects to my sweetheart. We felt very loved.
Our daughter Joy Gibson stayed for three weeks to help with paperwork for the Bethesda Children’s Home. Joy has agreed to serve as secretary for the civil association, which is an incredible blessing. Joy was born in Mexico, so she holds both American and Mexican Citizenships. With her help, we were able to complete a rather lengthy process of preparing the documents for the homes.
Joy’s family joined us for two weeks. (John and Joy Gibson are missionaries to the Jews in New York City.) They were able to see where their mother was born and grew up until she went to college. They were also in Tlapa for a lot of fun with the children at Bethesda.
On June 2, I will be flying back to Mexico, this time without family. I plan to spend most of the next six months in Tlapa, with some time in Cuernavaca. I would appreciate your prayers. I truly want to be used by God to make an eternal impact in the lives of the precious children at Bethesda.
Because He first loved me, Psalm 46:10-11
Becky Patterson