Harold and Lílian Gilmer : October 2022 Prayer Letter
Harold and Lilian Gilmer – South America Director, Church Planter and Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil.
October 2022

Dear Brethren:
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think…” (Ephesians 3:20a).
Church Planting – “This is the LORD’S doing” (Psalm 118:23a)
When plans were made for Children´s Day, we did not imagine what God had prepared. Just to be sure, the ladies doubled the plans for food. Then on Saturday, over three times the number of children showed up. The ladies divided the hotdogs in two, and there was plenty to go around. More children accepted the Lord than we even imagined would show up! By God´s amazing grace, twenty-eight children called on the Lord for salvation! During the month of September, another six people accepted the Lord. In all, thirty-four people accepted Christ. To God be the glory!
Bible Ministry – “Man shall not live by bread alone”

One of the greatest joys of my life is getting Scriptures to those who desperately need them. It is so exciting to share the Scriptures in Brazil (and in the Portuguese-speaking World) for there is still a great need and desire for theWord of God!
Rejoice with us for the provision of one of our Bible printing projects. We still have three more printing projects awaiting funding and our Bible distribution fund is still critically low. We have a great structure in place for getting Scriptures out—all we need at this point are more resources. Please pray with us for provision for our Bible printing and distribution needs.
Exhaustive Concordance Project
Rejoice with us that the coordination of the words of the Old Testament to the Hebrew and of the four Gospels to the Greek is now complete! The coordination of the remainder of the New Testament should be completed this fall semester, with God´s help. A very special Thank You to Campus Church for the offering they gave toward this great need.
Special Prayer Request– upcoming election in Brazil
At the end of October Brazil will have a very important presidential election. The current president, seeking a second term, is very conservative and his wife is a professing Christian. The runner-up is a former president, jailed for corruption, whose political party is extremely liberal and socialistic. Please pray for the Lord´s intervention.
Yours fellow servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle