Harold and Lílian Gilmer : November 2022 Prayer Letter
Harold and Lilian Gilmer – South America Director, Church Planter and Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil.

Dear Brethren:
“O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people” (Ps. 105:1).
Thank You! Thank You!
We need to take this moment of Thanksgiving and thank our Lord for Who He Is! He is the reason of our existence. Oh, that our lives were dedicated to knowing Him and making Him known! We also need to take this moment and Thank You for your prayers and gifts of love. Were it not for your holding the ropes, this ministry would not be possible. Thank You, from the bottom of our hearts!
New Portuguese Pocket New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs
We just completed a new printing of 50,000 Portuguese Pocket New Testaments with Psalms and Proverbs that are perfect for Evangelism. This new edition comes with the Plan of Salvation and additional helps on where to find specific topics in the Bible. Our desire is to supply these New Testaments to Churches throughout Brazil, free of charge, but for that we need your help. Each box comes with 114 New Testaments and cost roughly $125 to send anywhere within continental Brazil.
Please help us get The Word out.

Bible Printing Need
What exactly do we need in the way of Bible printing at this moment? We have three printing projects pending, for which we need to raise an additional $279,490.20. A very special Thank You to Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church for their offering for our Bible printing fund. We rejoice, for there is a need of more Bibles!
Faithful Bible Translation needed for the Baniua Language
It was such a privilege to receive Pr. Raul and his wife at the Trinitarian Bible Society of Brazil last week. He had one request: “We want a faithful Bible translation in the Baniua language.” Usually foreign ministries focus on very simplified translations for the native languages, but that is not what Pr. Raul desires. Please pray with us for this excellent need. His desire touchedmy heart.
Your fellow servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle