Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes -January 2023 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Dear Pastor and friends,
As the children of Bethesda return after their Christmas break, they will remember the wonderful party they enjoyed before leaving. The Gospel was preached that evening, every parent was given the opportunity to receive the Lord, and, praise the Lord, four ladies were saved. A delicious meal was served, and every child received the gift they had previously chosen from a list. Piñatas laden with candy were also broken to the delight of all.
Brother Bill Patterson and our pastor, Brother Tyler Gillit, were present for the Christmas celebration. What a blessing they were! Mount Abarim will be hosting our annual conference at the Worth Baptist Church in Ft. Worth, TX January 17-19, where Pastor Gillit is the pastor. We would be delighted to have you join us. For more information, you may email us at
During the first few days of February, I will be returning to Tlapa. How wonderful it will be to see the children again, to hear their exciting new stories, and to share the truths of the Gospel with them as the Lord leads. Serving the Lord is the greatest blessing! What a joy it is when we make an impact on someone’s life for eternity! Thank you for your prayers and financial support which allows me to be a part of this great ministry.
God bless you!
Yours for Christ little ones
Becky Patterson
Psalm 46:10,11