Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes -February-March 2023 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Dear Pastor and friends,
Greetings from Tlapa, Guerrero, Mexico! This has been a wonderful Lord’s Day! Fourteen of the children from the Bethesda Children’s Home were baptized this morning. Tonight we will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper at church. The children in the Home have received teaching all week about these two ordinances of the local church: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Praise the Lord, fourteen children who were not baptized were baptized this morning.
Please help us pray not one of the children will leave the Home at the end of this school year unsaved. Help us pray also for their spiritual growth. While they are with us, we try to saturate them with the Word of God. Before each meal, they quote Scripture and sing. After breakfast, they have a devotional time when they have to write in a journal what a certain passage of Scripture was talking about and how it spoke to them. Before the school day starts, each teacher gives a devotional in his or her classroom, and the school day is concluded with a chapel service. There are Bible classes in the afternoons and another devotional before bedtime.
Many of the children come from homes with Satanic practices. Witchcraft in one form or another is part of their culture, as well as false teachings of the Catholic Church. This is truly a spiritual battlefield. We are so thrilled when we see Christ win a victory in their lives. So, your prayers are very needed and so appreciated!
The construction of the “palapa” (open air auditorium) at the farm is going well. The palapa will be used for teaching purposes, as well as fun activities for the children. New plantings of tomatoes, corn, and peppers have been made. The field is being prepared to plant a lot of black beans.
The children often tell me their favorite thing about being in the Home is the good food they eat. Most
of the parents bring their children to us looking for better nutrition, better living accommodations and an
education for them. I am thrilled, thanks to your generosity, we have been able to meet these needs, but as the woman at the well who went looking for a pitcher of water and left with “a well of water,” these children leave with much more. They leave with the joy of the Lord in their hearts and the hope of an eternal home in Heaven. Thank you for helping to make this possible!
Because He first loved us,
Becky Patterson
Psalm 46:10,11