Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes -September 2023 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
“…Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me…” Matthew 19:14

We praise the Lord for fifty-four years of receiving “Christ’s little ones,” as my father Dr. Ralph McCoy called them, into the Homes. From these children have come pastors, missionaries, missionary wives, professionals, and great church members. With your help, we have brought them to Jesus and He has done the rest. We praise His glorious Name!
Since the new school began, we have seen many boys and girls come to receive Christ as their Savior. Many parents heard the Gospel and were saved, also, when they came to register their children. Every year we receive children from new villages, which gives the opportunity for new areas to receive the Gospel.
Many improvement have been made at both the boys’ and girls’ homes during the past few months. New bathrooms and shower rooms have been built or remodeled. Final details are being made to our new library before we can place the books on the shelves. The bookcases are beautiful. Staff rooms have been remodeled and even air conditioned. New guest rooms are being finished. All the bunk beds have been repaired, repainted, and have new sheets. Sewer systems have been updated. These were improvements that needed to be done, and God had graciously allowed us to make them. We are grateful for those who have given to make this possible! We need your help to finish several incomplete tasks.
This year, I have been given a class of eight children, ages nine to thirteen, who had never been to school. Several are still struggling to learn Spanish. None of them can read or even write their names. None of them had ever heard the Gospel before coming to the Home. There are many challenges for me, but I am so excited about the opportunity. I love to see ” the light turned on, “both spiritually and academically, in the eyes of children. I would greatly appreciate your prayer as I work with them. Jesus loves these children more that I do. I want to guide them to Him!
The twenty-third of this month is the official anniversary celebration of the Homes. There will be preaching, singing, and lots of good food. Alumni, their families, and other people we have invited will be joining us for that day. My son, Bill will be the main speaker. Please help us pray for the salvation of souls and for Christians to be revived. We cannot do what needs to be done for Christ alone. Thank you for your faithful prayers!
For “Christ’s little ones,”
Becky Patterson