Santos Garcia Family : July – September 2024 Prayer Letter

Santos Garcia Family – Medical Missionary and Bible Translation Team

Dear brethren, it is a joy to communicate to you the blessings of our Lord in these months of July, August and September, receive a big hug from us and do not forget that with gratitude and joy we receive all the efforts that you make monthly in your prayers and financially. May the Lord reward you and supply you according to his richness in glory.

Wife’s pregnancy.
We want with great joy to officially notify you that after more than 7 years of longing for it, my wife is in her 3rd month of pregnancy. At first the news was received with a little fear due to her history of her 2 miscarriages, however, God has been faithful and this entire period has passed without serious inconveniences, there would be much to say regarding the subject so I will only summarize it with this phrase “Is anything too hard for God? (…) Genesis 18:14a. We ask for your prayers so that our Lord may give us strength and pour out His grace during the rest of the time that we have left.

Beginning of construction.
We began this period with a few weeks of hard work with the begining of the construction of the building of the Xi’iui First Baptist Church . By the grace of God we received 3 teams from different churches. The first, led by Brother Fernando Contreras of the IB Monte Horeb in Morelia, Michoacán. The second, with Pastor Joel Castillo from the State of Mexico, and the third by Brother Joe Wehmeier, from the Temple Baptist Church, in Dallas, Texas. Each one of them helped to see our desire to work on the beginning of an optimal place for our central church facilities, and for each of the missions, come true. There is still a lot of work and resources left to complete our objectives, but we know that our God is faithful and He will answer our prayers, He promised it and we want to glorify Him with our lives. And whatever you ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13.

May the Lord greatly bless each one of those who were involved and may the Lord continue to give us His grace to continue investing in those things that have eternal value.

Translation Project.
By the grace of God our translation project continues forward. We have set a short goal of being able to publish a print run of John and Romans with the Plan of Salvation in Xi’iui for the following year. By the grace of God, Alfonso Montero our native translator, and one of our students from the institute, is almost finishing the 1st Draft of the letter to Romans. Thanks to the help of our Project Coordinator Dante Gonzalez who took control of the exegesis of this letter. We ask for your prayers so that the fund destined for the translation can be permanent and sufficient for each of the needs that our project requires.

“Libertad” Medical Clinic.
After several months on hold, thanks to our good Lord, part of the resources destined for this project were able to arrive. We have made great progress and by the grace of God we are about halfway to the goal set. For this reason, we plan to condition the medical consultation area before the end of the year, and continue with the rest gradually as the Lord provides for us. Our desire is to continue serving more adequately the large number of patients who come to this service. We do not forget that the main objective is to be able to bring people to the full knowledge of the Gospel of grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Family Conferences.
We recognize that we are still a relatively young family, however, by the grace of God during this period we were invited to participate in two family conferences. It was something special due to the great need that there is in our times to speak and emphasize these topics of great importance. May the Lord give us the grace to be able to send our children and our household after us, to keep the way of Jehovah…Gen 18:19. (paraphrased).

Prayer Requests.

  1. For my wife’s health and pregnancy.
  2. For the spiritual life of our family.
  3. For permanent resources for our translation project.
  4. For the needs of the Libertad Medical Clinic.
  5. For our 7th anniversary and family conference.
  6. For resources for the construction of our facilities.

    Santos Garcia Family.
    By His Grace.

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