Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes – October 2024 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

“I will bless the Lord at all time: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalm 34:1. Little did we realize a month ago when we dedicated the auditorium, kitchen, and restrooms at the farm in Tlapa to the Lord, all would be destroyed in a week’s time. The flood waters from hurricane John caused the river to change course and move directly across our farm, carrying the auditorium with it, and turning the farm house, restrooms and kitchen on their sides and filling them with mud.
“…the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away: blessed be the name of the LORD.” Job 1:21. We do not understand it, we do not have to understand it, but God in His sovereign will decided this was best. We definitely trust Him. We are waiting on Him to show us what He wants us to do next.
It is difficult when I remember all the sacrifices made to purchase the property and build the buildings. My pastor, Tyler Gillit, reminded my that these offerings were given to God, not to man. He is the one who will reward the giver. Thank you to each of you who had a pat in the past. Thank you to those of you who have already reached out and to those who will help us in the future.
As I visited the farm last Tuesday, I saw the river still raging across our property. The local authorities are trying to push the river back, but with the rainy season still continuing ans water running off the surrounding mountains, their efforts are limited. There are a few things we can do now. A new fence needs to be replaced to keep squatters out. A new well needs to be dug so the few remaining fruit trees can be irrigated when the dry season starts. Our old well is under the river. May the Lord Guide us in each decision.
Manuel and Isabel Cervantes, who lived on the farm, lost everything. They are temporarily living in an apartment at the boy’s home. Manuel is an engineer. He is teaching math in the secondary school. He will also continue to lead the project at the farm. We are so thankful for the Lord’s servants, who regardless of the circumstances, are ready to pick up the pieces and go forward for the Lord.
Our God has everything under control! He knows what He is doing and what is best for us. The children, staff, and buildings at eh Homes are fine. The staff and children are happy. There is a wonderful spirit in the Homes. May our Lord be honored and glorified through all we do. Yes! Let us bless the Lord at ALL TIMES!
Because He first loved us!
Becky Patterson
Psalm 46:10-11