Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes – November 2024 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Praise the Lord for the salvation of several children during the past month, the baptism of one little boy, and for two boys feeling the call of God to preach. Brother Jonathan Arrellano, the school principal, is discipling these boys on a personal basis using a book called Foundational Doctrines. The parents of Rigoberto Galvez also received the Lord during their visit to the Homes recently. It is exciting to know God is working among the children and their parents. I am praying for the greatest year spiritually the Homes have ever known.
At the end of October, the church in Tlapa held a youth conference, which the youth in the Homes attended. God spoke to their hearts. The school principal tells me he has seen a big change for the good in the attitudes and discipline of the children.
As far as our farm is concerned, it is still very sad. The river continues to rage across our land. Demolition of the destroyed buildings has begun. People ask what our plan is for the farm. We are waiting to see what happens once the river calms down from the rains in the mountains. We do not know what we will be able to do. As Jehoshaphat told the Lord in II Chronicles 20:12, ” …neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee.” This land belongs to the Lord. He will show us what His will is in His time.
Most of you probably know I had a close call with death after what was supposed to be a simple procedure on my heart. I am presently in Texas recuperating, but I can hardly wait to get back to Tlapa. The staff has been sending my pictures and videos of the kids praying for me. The miss me and I miss them! I am so thankful they are learning to take their requests to the God who can truly help.
Thank you for your financial and prayer support for the Homes. This work truly belongs to the Lord, and you are our “fellowhelpers in the truth.” III John verse 8. Someday when we are in Heaven and see all those smiling faces, we will be so thankful for anything we might have done to help them get there. I often think about the place Jesus has gone to prepare for us in Heaven. How glorious that will be, especially surrounded by those we have influenced for Him. I can hardly wait! May my Lord find me faithful to His service daily!
With many thanksgivings,
Becky Patterson
Psalm 34:3