Harold and Lílian Gilmer : November 2024 Prayer Letter
Harold and Lilian Gilmer – South America Director, Church Planter and Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil
Dear Brethren:
“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good . . . ” (Psalm 118:1a).

Church Planting—Pastor Ordained!
The ordination of (now) Pastor Uarlison was such a blessing! The pastors in the ordination council recognized that he was already doing the work of a Pastor and that his council was not a judging of whether he was apt for the ministry or not, but rather a recognition of the Lord´s calling on his life. The word that keeps popping up in our conversations at Church is: Ebenezer! The Lord answered one very big prayer request, and we still have two more requests: the purchase of the land (the Lord is providing), and official organization of the Church. Rejoice with us that five children called on the Lord for salvation this past month, during Children´s Day celebration.
Bible Ministry—ACF (Portuguese) Study Bible
Through a very special partnership, the ACF Study Bible was completed in Portuguese. This is an invaluable tool for our people! This is the Portuguese edition of the KJV Study Bible, in English. This Bible was printed overseas and is currently on its way to Brazil (release date set for January 2025), but I was able to present my mother with the first copy on her 81st birthday. My father played a very important role in making the necessary contacts in securing the rights for this Bible and helping revise the notes. God is Good!

A Time of Giving Thanks
We must take this time and thank you for praying and giving to our ministry. When I say our, that includes you, our prayer partner. This ministry would not be possible were it not for your prayers and gifts of love. Thank You, for allowing God to use you in helping reach Brazil with the Gospel!
Yours fellow servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle