Tom and Linda Gilmer : October 2024 Prayer Letter
Harold and Lilian Gilmer – South America Director, Church Planter and Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil

Dear Friends of Zion:
Thanks to all for all your prayers and offerings that help keep our work going and growing.
Tom’s Medical Report: CANCER FREE!
Results of all tests, with the approval of all doctors involved, declared Tom CANCER FREE.
Pastor Alexandre Dutra, president of our Jewish Ministries; Pastor Ricardo Brito, who was inspired to begin an Arab ministry through our Academy for the Study of Bible Prophets; and I (Tom) were invited to attend an International Congress on Anti-Semitism at the University of São Paulo (USP) from September 24-27, organized by the Center for Jewish Studies at USP. Besides attending the lectures, we were able to interact with leaders of the university, and even political leaders and many others, and give them Gospel tracts. I was able to have a personal conversation and witness to the ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Professor Celso Lafer. (See photo.)
In the name of the Trinitarian Bible Society (TBS) of Brazil, of which I am the president and Harold Ralph is the Executive Vice President, I was able to officially present to the library at the university (USP) copies of Bibles we print and distribute with TBS of London. These included Bibles in Portuguese, Arabic, Hebrew Masoretic Text (Old Testament), Greek Textus Receptus (New Testament), and a Bilingual Portuguese/English Bible (ACF—the Almeida Corrected Faithful text we publish–alongside the KJV). (See photo.)
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! May God richly bless you all.
Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer
- Professions of faith: 4.
- Tom declared cancer-free!
- An offering of $5,000 enabled the Paraisópolis church to begin a fund to purchase a much-needed building.
- Pastors Marcos da Silva and Alexandre Dutra earned and received Master’s Degrees in ministry
- Salvation decisions of Jews and Gentiles.
- Ongoing Bible study helps.
- Projects involving various missionaries, pastors, and churches:
(a) Transitions in the deaf ministry at our first church.
(b) Orientation for two Brazilian pastors we are counseling concerning transitions in their ministries.