Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes – December 2024 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
Dear Pastor and friends,
Children around the world are excited about Christmas coming, and the children in Tlapa are no different! Each child had the choice of a large stuffed animal, some type of ball to play a sport, a remote-controlled car, a doll, or a perfume for the older children. For many of the children, this will be their first Christmas gift ever and the only one they will receive this year.
Last month my son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Marcy Patterson, made a trip to Tlapa. One of the things on their schedule was the purchasing of these gifts. When they checked our at the Walmart in Cuernavaca, they had fourteen shopping carts loaded with gifts. We have 134 children this year. We are very thankful to a church in Oregon who made these gifts possible. Another church in Arkansas sent a special offering which will be used for food and other festivities for the Christmas party. We are blessed!
One young teen in the Home told Bill he did not want a toy. What he wanted was a nice Bible. Needless to say, that is what he will be receiving. Bill and Marcy will be back in Tlapa to personally give out the gifts at the Christmas party. I am a little jealous, but I have not been released to return to Tlapa as of yet. My plan is to be back down there the first of February.
Especially this year, the children in the Homes have expressed a desire to see their loved ones saved. The staff and children are planning a Christmas play for the parents, then a clear Gospel message will be presented. Please help us pray the family members will understand the Gospel and receive the Lord as their Savior. That will bring rejoicing in Heaven and on Earth!
Clearing continues to be done at the farm. Huge tree trunks embedded in the soil had to be removed by a backhoe. The canal that watered the fruit trees is being restored. Manuel, the farm caretaker, is looking for new fruit trees to be replanted around the perimeter of the property. Unfortunately, the river continues to forcefully run across our land. That has not diminished at all. We will appreciate your continued prayers for our farm.

Thank you for your faithful support all year for the Bethesda Children’s Home. May the Lord reward you abundantly. May you and families have a wonderful Christmas remembering the birth of our dear Savior. May His heart be thrilled as we lift our voices in praise to Him for who He is and for all He has done! He is worthy!
Because He first loved us,
Becky Patterson
Luke 2:14