We Believe…
In the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
That mankind was plunged into sin by Adam’s fall and is further responsible by personal sin. We define sin as the transgression of God’s law.
That the wages of sin is death. Separation from God is spiritual death, separation from the body is physical death, and separation from all that is good in eternal death is called Hell.
That Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and died for all sinners. His blood is sufficient to save all who come to repentance and faith in Him. He is the only Savior and Mediator for mankind.
That salvation is by grace through faith in the risen Savior Jesus Christ.
- That the Local church is God’s institution for world evangelism and has two ordinances: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
- Undershepherds of local churches are called Pastors, described as elders for their maturity, and Bishops for their leadership responsibilities. Deacons are servants to both churches and pastors. The qualifications for full time Christian workers in the Local church are found in I Timothy 3.
That our Lord will one day return in the pre-tribulation rapture and will establish His literal millennial reign following the tribulation.
That obedience to the great commission is the responsibility of every believer and that God has a special calling for pastors, evangelists and teachers. (The missionary call and evangelist call are synonyms in scripture.)
That personal purity and separation from worldly attitudes and activities should be the testimony of every believer in Jesus Christ.
A literal Heaven awaits those who have placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and a literal Hell awaits those who reject Him.
- That God instituted the home and that Christian marriage should be the finest example of Christ’s relationship to the church. Husbands should lead their homes in Godliness, wives should live in joyful submission and children should obey and honor their parents.
- That the Bible is inerrant as the verbally and plenary inspired word of God. When available, we use texts translated from the Textus Receptus as the King James Version in English and Reyna-Valera in Spanish.